Avinash Sharma

Avinash Sharma

Member 2

Member 2

Position 2
Member 3

Member 3

Position 3
Member 4

Member 4

Position 4

Bootstrapped by the natural stone art lovers, the Asian Stone Craft Studio team makes everything possible with stones because we believe the impossible is nothing in the industry of natural stones as there are endless possibilities you could gain to change your surroundings like residential and commercial space. Asian Stone Craft Studio is the community of like-minded, skilled designers who have an affinity for stone art and create custom designs that will roll your eyes with amazement. Our team is drenched with passion and knowledge of stone is highly admired in the industry. If you want to get to know us better, let’s talk soon, either over the phone or face-to-face interaction. If you come by Asian Store Craft Studio physical location, our team will pour juice or some other snack while discussing your personas related to stone art and how our team of expert craftsmen manifests your goal.